Cao Fei Second Life Segment from Art: 21 on PBS

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Watch the full episode. See more ART:21.

Prim Perfect Issue 32 On Newstands

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The latest issue of Prim Perfect featuring Greater Ireland is now available. Read about this gorgeous region created by Jules Artful and Derric Foggarty with a collection of articles featuring this region.

Learn more about creating an Irish garden, dealing with inventory loss and meet some of Second Life's most interesting designers and content creators in this jam packed issue.

Congratulations to Saffia Widdershins, magazine designer Winona Wiefel and all of the great writers and photographers I am fortunate to have as colleagues.

The fabulous cover photo is by Raven Haalen and one of my favourites!

Get your copy of Prim Perfect in world to take advantage of the links to advertisers and the great gifts. You can also read it online by visiting

Homage: An Exhibit of Works by PJ Trenton

Saturday, March 12, 2011

My latest exhibition of works is now up at the Pirats Bourbon Market Gallery and is certainly a departure from my most recent exhibit work. In terms of the types of works I usually create for exhibition in world, this show is definitely a bit of a departure for me. While still abstractions, these works are more creative documents of the the work of artists that inspire me.

Fortunately, over the past number of months, I have spent an increasing amount of time exploring the works of some of Second Life’s most creative and talented artists and builders. While I have always been keenly interested in the Second Life arts community as a participant, supporter and promoter, I have really found joy in exploring and documenting some of the grid’s more immersive installations and builds.

I have always considered myself a digital documentarian and historian, using my virtual lens to capture and record people, places and events from around Second Life and other virtual worlds. My work for Prim Perfect and Primgraph Magazines as well as Designing Worlds and Metaverse Arts on Treet TV certainly allows me the opportunity to do just that. This aspect of my work has become incredibly important to me because, as you’ll note below, several of these works have already disappeared from the grid. This particular show is comprised of images taken of installations and creations by various artists and builders. The works in this show are not for sale, but created to celebrate, promote and encourage the ongoing creativity of digital (and postdigital) art...a community I am proud to be part of.

The artists that I pay homage to in this show include Scottius Polke, Eliza Wierwight, Bryn Oh, Blue Tsuki, Alizarin Goldflake, DB Bailey, Noke Yuitza and the artists from Mysterious Wave (Cherry Manga, Anley Piers and Elfe Imako).

The Pirats Bourbon Market is located at

While the works are not for sale, if anyone would like a copy of any the works, I would be pleased to give you one in consideration of a donation to the Pirats Art Network.

To view more of my photographs of some of these artists, I invite you to view the following sets on Flickr:

Designing Worlds Visits Winterfell!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Take a tour of the dark and mysterious lands of Winterfell with owner Serra Anansi and captain Wildstar Beaumont. Your hosts Saffia Widdershins and Elrik Merlin discover the beauty and dangers of this Second Life region.

Originalia Artists on Metaverse Arts

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tricia interviews Rag Randt, Em Larsson, Scottius Polke and Eliza Wierwight as their installations at Amase Levasseur's newly relaunching sim Originalia.