East met west at Landon Arts tonight as my Japanese friend and fellow photographer Sakura and I had an exhibit opening at Louis Landon's fabulous Landon Arts sim. I enjoyed writing up the group notices and getting them distributed to all and sundry. I assured Montana, who is Louis' manager, that I was certainly not trying to steal her job...she laughed and told me to be careful what I wish for. ;-)
The night was a great success, with about 40 to 50 people dropping by to hear our good friend Louis Volare (RL jazz pianist and singer/songwriter Louis Landon) play an impromptu. I encourage you to join Louis' Peace Revolution group in SL so that you can find out where he is playing. You don't want to miss one of SL's premier musical performers. Visit his web site at http://www.louislandon.com to find out more about his music, listen to samples of his songs, or order his cds online.
I met some wonderful new people that evening, while reconnecting with some old friends.
Overall the night was fabulous, between Louis' fabulous playing, Paula's cloned hair and HatHead rocking the umbrella...alot of fun was had by all.
18 hours ago
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