Heroines! Aether Salon w. Miss Bookworm Hienrichs

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Do you know one? ARE you one? From self-rescuing princess to those daring gals who save the world and look fabulous doing so (hey, soot is IN), all the while cooking, cleaning, and raising brilliant children. Who isn't a little bit curious how they do it all? I mean, trouncing and squashing and humiliating Evil-doers is a huge job, right? For the Aether Salon's two-year anniversary, Miss Bookworm Hienrichs enlightened us all, and shared a few tips and tricks she picked up along the way.

What a memorable and eventful Salon with a special, and unwelcome guest!

Check out more photos from Miss Book's salon on my Flickr photostream.

For more information about the Aether Salon, please visit their official blog.